Trip? MMU student might start wondering are we crazy because we (me, Min Bee, William, Eddie, Leong Kee and Josh) just back from Genting highland today and we move out yesterday early morning. All of us have 3 assignment to pass up next week. No doubt, It's 3 assignments. We actually already past up few before this weekend and need to work on to finish another 3 in the following week. All red, and we just did a Green in our tension life.
We enjoyed very much for this trip. Although there are some conversation related to assignments but in these one day half, we made it to free our mind from those stress. We played bowling, we ate buffet, we went into Casino, we drank Starbuck coffee, we watched movie, we played card, we laugh, we crazy, we had fun :)
Anyway, this is the last week we need to focus our eye that much to the computer screen just to finish something will convert into floating point in our degree certificate. Trip over :D
Today's Picture : A series of SS (syok sendiri) picture took in the hotel.
Brain peace.