*Drum rolllllllinggggggggggg* *Qiaaaaaaanag!*
Oh yeah, here come Egg Run beta testing. Anyone interested please find my personally. But sorry to say that, to play this game, you need to have sony ericsson color mobile phone which screen size is at least 200 pixel and upper, then the next requirement is you need to have a way to transfer the file to your handphone. After unzip EggRun.zip, navigate to /bin/ and send the EggRun.jar to your handphone, then, done! . If you don't have sony ericsson phone and still wanna help me out with the beta testing, there is one way... Quite tedius way.
Go to this site. Click on the first file "Sony Ericsson SDK 2.2.4 for the Java(TM) ME Platform", and yes, it's 73mb (this determine how passionate you are to help kuan out :P) After the download, install the SDK. ( It's actually a full SDK that you actually can start developing your own java mobile edition program for your hand phone, in case you knew how to program in java lah. ) After the installation, to the the start menu > sony ericsson > WTK2 > Run Midp Application. One pop up window will ask you for a .jad file. Navigate it to the place you found my Egg Run folder, open the EggGame.jad in /bin/ folder. Then you can enjoy the game!
I personally very satidfy with this game we produced, it will worth the tough work, download and stuff. By the way, reminder on the jaR and jaD, they're different.
I like to say thanks for the people who tested, or going to test the game, and feedback is really needed. *BOW*
Today Brain's Begging :: Test lahh :P