Previous post seem really long. Everyone said that (not sure if anyone complain that except Cheong). I knew this do nothing to gamedev thingy but this is very worth to be record down. So that I can enjoy back the mood and feeling brought back from the trip. 2nd Day post will be crazy long, was going to split it into two. My bloging speed become slower and slower since I start care about the grammar and thing to type. Think today I just type whatever come across my mind since I just wake up from 3 hours night sleep, strange feeling.
Day2 - Fresh Morning
Early in the morning - 6:30am. After last night Forest Orchestra, our room was playing HandPhone version one. I can heard at least 3 handphone alarm is ringing at that time but no one willing to wake up, including me :P. Min Bee is the one jump up and open the light, then everyone only willing to sit up. The room is much more colder than the 1st moment we got into that room, I think it because we were in middle of rain forest. I think the best place to wake up is in the middle of jungle, air very fresh, cold and clear morning. It enlighten people mood.

We went down the rock area to grab some beautiful morning picture and touch the water while waiting for the breakfast to ready. Nothing much happended down there. But we took this funny picture :) For information, Sesat is Malay language and it mean "lost" in English. At first we just wanna joke around and play with the picture. But Josh did a good work in editing this picture and I think everyone face is damn suit. So...put it on here.

Adventurous Trail but disappointed Fall
According to what the package arranged by us, we suppose to get moving to a place named hill Warisan for hill hiking. But after discussing among ourselves and with our guide - Ajax. We decide to go another trail which lead to a water fall named - Abai. Ajax gave us a very brief map for the way to the fall. That map helped a lot. So 8 of us move on ourselves into another trail without anyone else. Before this we thinking to go to that fall in the early of morning, now I am relief we didn't do that, else find me on the newspaper.

I think the only thing the girls most worry on this trail is Leech. Ms Yoon was panic at the second bite, Min Bee keep find leech on the floor, Yin Yee was very worry of it. They keep checking out their shoes, shock, bag for the leech, alien creature huh? :p. We came across with a Orang Asli village on the way to the fall. It just one house there (Wonder how it called a village, may be other house hidden inside). the Orang Asli there was playing guitar...yes...guitar. Orang Asli village is the middle point of the trail. We rest and took the best picture there with the help of Orang Asli (best picture in my opinion and this is my wallpaper now :).

Path after the village is getting tougher. This is the toughest jungle tracking trail I ever walk. Up and down become more and harder to climb. Path become hardly visible and need to find marking or rope to go on. Some of the part need to climb big rock with the help of rope which ready there. There once I knock on a very big spider web, the spider built the web and block the entire path and she is huge :| (but we are house was destroyed by me).

End of part I
Day 2 is very happening day. Another half is even better. I need to split this up in case one post is too long and people get bored and start skiping. In order not to miss fun part, so take time and read this separately will be better :) I going to post next blog
Yesterday Feeling -->> (Forgot to post this at previous post, but I remember the feeling) Lonely and missing the trip so much !!!