Art of Sleep in Class
Sleeping in class seem is something evil for student who studying. But it's my habit since primary 5 or 6.Everyone know me well or been in the same class with me will agree in this, sleeping is one of the main activity for me in class :P. This month seem is the most serious time which I will sleep in class. One hour, 2 hour lecture or tutorial, in front or at behind, friend wake me up or not, eat sweet or not, still sleep... Sometimes I will wonder how people can actually stand awake 2 hour in a boring class (or may be people will wonder why am I so sleepable in a just 2 hours class). May be someone can help me out and comment this blog how you stay awake? lol.
Why Sleepy month? This month I did a lot of changes in my sleeping habit. I woke damn early in the morning (6? 7? 8? They consider early compare to my time before...). And i sleep damn short (4-6 hours). I personally think that not affecting my life beside get sleepy earlier in the night. Sleep in class is not the main side effect, I keep 100% focus in Korean class :P and 70~90% focus when learning new topic. I just got sleepy when the class going to boring, lecture start repeating or teaching slow... that really drive me sleepy.
Sleep in class is normal thing for me, but get sleepy suddenly early in the night is something "new" to me. I think the effect of cutting short my sleeping time made me fall asleep earlier. So, another to stay awake and not that easy to drop sleepy in the night. hehe. I knew the best way to fall asleep, read some book.
"Game Coding Complete"
This is the book which I borrow from MMU library almost 6 weeks (actually got another book along, mathematic for game, but never read any single page). I borrowed Game Coding Complete once at my MMU's first year first semester but it overwhelmed me at that moment because I cannot understand most of the thing inside, it just too hard for me.
After one year of learning game programming, from Hatchlings Games, from forum, from article, from other book, from friends. I can't say I got significant improvement in skill but I do learn a lot more game development knowledge through out the year. Then one day I came back to library and search for books. MMU library is so nice that have a lot of "Kuan Wanted" book but too expensive to buy book and I can borrow it and renew it like unlimited :P. (Actually felt bad that sometime I not really enjoy this facilities since I just use 30 minutes to study a book in a day.) Whatever, then I get back this book
This book is recommended strongly to people who interested in Game Programming. It covered a lot of game programming technique which I think I will never learn by myself or in class(Definately...). It emphasize in programming style (how to organize code and directories) and special technique (wont find any "simple" code in that book, cool). I personally think that this book is not for beginner. It mean more for people who knew programming and did some game programming. I didn't mean that I am the second one since I still having problem to understand some part :( . need more coding!
hIt's really seem that I ran out of thing to say? But not the next post. Actually was waiting Game Design workshop, WCG to over, then will have a long blog to report them :)
Today Feeling ------- Stuck in many things... Released many thing too.