It seems the topic recently were slow and not related to game dev. It's happy that my blog is getting a bit famous between my friends, thanks buddies :). Well, this the reason why everyone rarely saw some blog with "D3DXMATRIX" , "String Hallo = "hallo world";" or "*-+/" recently becuase it's not much people going to read them and I don't think I am a good tutorial writer. So I decided to post more about the thing happended in my life which affected the road of Game Dev. (So is this the vision of Kuan's blog?? ).
GDC GameDev Vision....???
I was told to think about this before yesterday meeting. The terrible thing is I never really deeply thought about this even the first time I knew I going to be Vice President. I keep figuring out the way to improve GDC and promote more game dev related stuff but never think about what vision is the game dev division in GDC. I think the meaning of vision is aim to achieve in time. Well, I spend some time to figure it out what's in my mind.
I think I'd inherite most of the vision from John. We'd plan a rough year plan for GDC GameDev right before the sems start and the vision is quite clear with the plan : "Promote Game Development". After some times of evalute and concrete my idea, I've come out with Kuan's vision in GDC game dev in year 2006.
- Survive year 2006... This is not kidding, keep something alive and the way it use to be is something tough.
- Create the game development culture/habit for GDC. GDC much like a Game Club than a Game Dev Club. Both is the obective of GDC, just need something to keep the game development department alive. Create culture/habit means Game Development event and gathering will carry on no matter how.
- Make this year as a super class of years after this so that the future Hi-Comm can inherite the propertise. (:P programming). Meaning is, make as much event as I can, record the process and method, keep them for next batch of GDC Hi-Comm. A small system is needed to let the culture grow. None Hi-Comm knew how to book a booth before this week... Lucky Iris found a whole lot of links of "how to do thing in MMU".
- Guide the lost sheep. Hehe. I knew the feeling of first joining GDC and SEGD course, want to know more about game development. I was lucky for meeting John last year and he guide and taught me alot of game dev stuff. So the most important vision of GDC GameDev is... let the junior or people with heart in game development have a place to stay and learn together.
Today feeling :::::::: Kuan is getting lazy to blog...omg...