Thursday, July 27, 2006

Dream of dream

Dream and Vision and Life

Wow...seem serious topic? I wonder why I never talked about this thing in my blog. I used to be a person who like to talk about dream, ask people about vision and try to help someone with their life. May be Kuan seem not to be someone who talked about this for someone, or may be for somebody, its already boring to hear me say something about that.

Why out of a sudden I want to share these things out of my mind? Mainly it was John had a very long talk with me just now outside my house, we stood there for 2 hours and talked a lot of thing. He always have somehting to learn from :) Later was chatting with Ah Giat (my cousin brother at Sandakan, we're like best friend, live together, play together since my very young age.). We went into discussion of business and working life. It was already 3 years I was trying so hard to affect them to go out of Sandakan, come to KL or KK at Sabah to have a better chance of life. At the same time, was discuss some friendship problem, and the changes within us with Edmund. All those thing trigger a lot of my mind, after incubation in the bathing time, i try to share it out here with both eye droped on the desk.


How many people can actually tell someone "what is my dream?". I've learnt that people can believe that they can own their dream at the time I finish my SPM and start reading book of <> <<>> and start exploring into the world of Multi-Layer marketing world (I think this word is familiar to everyone). Honestly, I need to give my thank to Japson and DreamChaser. I think my life's biggest turning point was at the moment I finish my SPM and waiting to go KL study TARC. I start to dream, i start to think about money and life, i start to explore into business world. DreamChaser is a very good organization which actually taught me a lot of golden knowledge which I will never learn this in my school.

Frankly speakig, altought I had my dream that time, but actually it's not my dream. What I dream that time was, owning a big house, rich man, big car, help people to get rich( ya, familiar...MLM talked about this all the time). I was confused, not the right word, I should use "not satisfy" with my dream. Something beneath me telling me that I was wrong. Books and talks taught me to dream, and self concious start dreaming too. It start digging my true mind for dream... Obviously...why am I making this blog? My dream is to make game!

Ya, my dream since young is being a game designer. What?! Everyone tought I wanted to be the best game programmer? Programming is my favourite thing in this world while to make a game which everyone like to play is my dream. For me, becoming a game programmer is the best path for me to get a chance to creating my own game. I did told someone in one of the GDC gatheting that I dreamed to make a new kind of genre...that still true :)

I never dreamed about I can involve in game making industry. I was taught since young that game is something bad, waste time. Go study and get a good job is the most right thing to do. Thanks to books and friends, i learn a better way.I not dare to jump straight to MMU to take SEGD as my 1st choice when i chosing University for further study because I cannot find reason and courage to convince my old mans to send me oversea to KL and study GAME.

So i ended up at TARC. Here comes a special conincident... Stephen Tang, lecturer in TARC who always with the game development burning in his heart held a game talk in tarc. After the talk, I made up my mind to study game and make game. Stephen's seminar reveal the industry and open up my mind that, games actually earn! And i ready to jump into it. So after Diploma of ISE in TARC, i shift to MMU to study game design, and here I am :)

My dream of making game is so clear that I start learning and involve myself into this. I seldom do that since I am quite lazy person anyway. But i never stop chasing after i knew the existance of the chance to make game.

It seem a bit boring....may be i was too sleepy and type something weird and personal since my brain doesnt work well now :P continute tomolo or soon...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

SJK Won MMU ACM 06 !!!

"S"olid"J"osh"K"uan won MMU Annual Code Match 06 !

Until this minute i typing this charater, I still not 100% accept the fact that we actually won this! We won! Yes! We won it!!!!! We are the champion for MMUACM06!!! We got the RM1000 1st price! We did it! Not 3rd place as we expect which we said is the place we only get if we try our best. Not 2nd place which we said is the place we only get if we got the most luck in the world. It is the 1st place which is the place never think or consider in our mind (that just simply dreaming if we got it).

Even though we got the 1st place before the score board freezed (it stop updating the score at last 45 minutes so that we don't know who won at last). I think, due to the reason we don't want to have hope of winning, we just assume other submit some question after the 45 minutes while we still don't have the mind to win. After having the refreshment which is... ... ... so so. We was call to wait announcement for the winning team.

After FIT dean and IBM representative gave some simple talk, Mr. John See start announcing the winner, from 2nd runner up. Everyone hope they got something, I think we still hoping to get some place for the match and so, 3rd is the place we expected the most. Obviously it's not us. Our mind was, we lost? or we got higher standing? Then Second runner up, not us too. But then... Solid told me... his friend in the 1st runner up group, said they solved only 3 questions. Nothing much to think, we just wait...wait wait wait...and after the announcement, it was us, us...? US!? We stuned there. I was laughing...can't believe at all. No way. But we got it :)

Stategy of SJK

We solved 4 problems. All are ad-hoc question (which mean no fix or existed algorithm to the solution), we plan this before day because we 3 are bad in algorithm such as graph and such. I personally love number, 2D array, recursive problem. A little bit showing off here...I personally solve 1st and 5th question :P. But actually both is very easy pattern recursively question. We have a good stategy to actually earn the winning place.

Our stategy is solved the faster question we can. Start of the match we flip over the question, and chose question 2 as 1st attemp. Then try question 3. By the time I solved question 1. Question 1 just simple pattern question. for instance, create a square 2D array, put in number so that all row, column, diagonal add up is same total. Just a pattern building with recursive. I learn this pattern some day in Secondary while playing IQ question. After this, qustion 3 solved! That time, we left half hour I think, lucky we found out the solution to question 5. Actually that is the easiet question in the match, I think other just missed it because it's 5th question.

Factor of winning?

There was a time lecturer asked us go up front and share our stategy. Solid very frankly told all people the truth. We did our training yesterday ONLY. And that is a failure :P. We bring nothing to the match, no book no notes, just calculater and pens. We came unprepared. Then I said may be it because some question very suit for me to solve, and I knew the pattern before this. Josh said relate to Solid's. Main factor is, we don't have the pressure. We relax and doesn't have the desire to win. This cut off many confussion and pressure in mind, but focusing in trying the question together.

Here I really learn something. Skills, I think all the attendees have it, some even better than us. When it come to competition, skills is a factor, but the mindset and attidute become the most important factor in competition. Pressure and desperation will cause confussion and nervous. Debugging logic error need a very clear mind, to find the right solution need quiet mind. We have very good teamwork since we all 3 can clam each other and have the same mindset in the competition. Actually i think the failure of the training is the best helper :P Dare to Fail!


Earning this joy, need to thanks for the friends who support us! Thanks Min Bee reminding me not to underestimate ourself, waking me up in the morning and bring me lot of lucks. Thanks William for waking up Solid for us :P and also, supporting SJK. Same go to LeongKee, Eddie and Alferd who wishing us good luck before nights. Supports from Edmund, Jillian, John, Key, Jia Vui. hehehe...i also forgot who ever said this liaw...may be because I never expect to win :P

Today Feeling :: Great :D

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Boiling of the New Blood!

GDC 1st bi-weekly gathering

How was it? It's awesome! I was kind of worry before the gathering, "how many people going to turn up tonight", "how many people actually enjoy?", "what should I do for this and that", mind just keep bugging me. When I enter the small room I booked, "OMG! so few?!", there just 3 to 4 new members and others are hi comm and friends of mine. Then others minds start attacking me, "It is i have to cancel the meeting?", "oh god, somemore member coming or not?", "It is really hard to have this kind of meeting?". So, we wait....wait wait wait... 8:15p.m. no way, I have to start this (Actually few member just keep entering the room *relief~~* ).

I came unprepared, I think thats obvious :P. I just simply start the meeting with introducing one by one. Asking those new member come in front and introduce themself and answering question from the audience. The session went well, at least I enjoyed it by knowing the reason of people coming to the gathering. The room is actually cheer and laughing while someone is joking around, "What is your favourite color?". (I think just the people inside the room will understand this...).

After the introducing session, we move to a larger room, Buzz helpep me taking care of the rest of the time (I really unprepared...too bad). Buzz ask the crowd to sit in a circle, then ask one by one, who is programmer, game designer, artist, musician and stuff. Mr. Hilmy did this to their bacth in the 1st game foundation class, thanks Buzz I have a chance to feel this. hehe. This session mainly is Q&A section, Buzz answered most of the question while John assist some. I think the new people learn a lot of thing from this, Buzz gave an overview of game dev but at the same time, they learn the true face of game development in Malaysia too :s. Hope this won't scare them away :P

The last section of the gathering is John's talk. Surpisingly he's not talk something about game development but it's about life in university. His talk brought a lot of surpise to the members, I think no one was expected that in this meeting. John's talk is about learn the hindsight in the life of studying in university. Hindsight is something which is hidden from people and won't tought in university. He talked about "extend the study time", "Challenge the known, embrace the unknown" "play to win". I think John's talk is very good to open new comer of MMU's mind of university. Following is one thing, but learn the fact of university and life experience is true good.

At the end of the gathering, I asked a few "testing" question to ensure that if i need to continue this gathering. I asked :"After knewing the true challenge of making a game, who still dare to take this challenge still?". To raise your hand to this question is tough, if I take this question and ask in my Game Application 1 class, I think the feedback will make people wanna cry. (just kidding, abit too much then :P). But the Gathering's member, nearly 70% of crowd raised their hand, yea! They actually raise up the hand. This is really good sign, Kuan do really hope their fire never stop burning! Keep spirit boiling!(what the heck is this :P )

Recruiting SubComm for the 1st time

(Actualy meeting is yesterday thingy, was too tire to post suring this early morning after the winning of the RISK game :P) Today is the first day me and William runs our job as VP and HR. We recruit some new members as Sub Commitee for 2 upcoming events which is Flash workshop and game design workshop. The feedback is very good since we found all the sub comm we needed in 2 days and all registered people turn up for the 1st meeting, very very awesome! This is a very good start, hope this two event runs smoothly and successfully to gain back GDC's reputation and Game Development standing in MMU. The new members are awesome, dedication and heart to make thing! I am sure they will make something great!

Kuan himself is burning now...

What is burning? Not body :(. Recently I was feeling not that well, condition not reaching 100% for days. Sleep in class, hardly wake up in the morning, eye blur at the night watching screen, tulang sakit, lost focus. I am not sick, at least not now. Something went wrong with me, I think. Whoever knew how to cure Jampi? :P Just kidding. I think what i need is SLEEP and REST gua, sleep less recently. Sorry for the complaining, I dare to say this since my mother not watching my blog, else, kena marah of not taking care of myself. So my friends especially who live on their own, keep yourself healthy and happy. Life just easy and simple. :)

Today feeling :::: I have much to say, but....don't hope to make a long post then scare people away. Continue tommorow.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Game Concept for GameApps1


It took me sometimes to actually start typing here. Lot of thing I try to share and they are too much to fit in here. Then I thought of one thing, it seem I need to make the report for my Game Application 1, a report about our game concept for the final assignment. Honestly I drag this job for a very long time, it is actually 5 weeks already since Ms gave us the job to think one idea for the game. I was lazy and keep cannot decide on what platform I should use, and too much idea actually across my mind and confusing me what actually I want it.

The most hard decision to make is whether I want the game to be 3D or 2D. I thought of 3D because I am learning DirectX and I want to try out my skill and confident. The fact is, my last decision is making my game to 2D. This game is expected to be a simple game, this game is judge by my lecturer who from FCM and 3D still not my field actually. From my own opinion, Game Application 1's final project marking sceme is [game design > art > sound > programming]. I dont think my credit on 3D programming earn some advantage for me. What if I do shit in 3D and spoil the game completely. So, focus in game design, find my art and music source, make a simple 2D game.

Bee Game

Bee? Yeah, the insect - Bee. Many ideas across my brain before - fighting drugs, cleaning dirt, typing game and so on. None of these I came out a clear and concete idea, I guess I don't like em. hehe. Then I drag this task until today. I spark one idea for the game after chatting with Min Bee (see the bee? :P). Then I decided to do this concept but the concept till fresh. I went wikipedia and read a lot of reading for bees. They are interesting insect and have a great effort for human food.

I found a very good gameplay or at least the game mechanic, it is going to base on bee's lifestyle and thing they normally do, getting the netra and pollen for food and in the same time help pollination of plants. At the time they gathering netra and pollen, they actually facing a lot of danger. Birds, crab spide, assasin bug and insecticide all are the thing which can kill a little bee while they doing they job. A queen average need to lay 1000-1500 eggs to replace the casualities.

So the basic idea is about a bee going out to take food, by the same times pollinate the plant, fighting or avoiding enemy, remain the supply of the hive and get the needed resources (netra main is food and pollen is protein for bee). How it going to look likes or play with still incubating in my mind, but the most possible solution will be 2D platform game.

Main character will be a bumblebee. Sound familiar? Maksim? DDR? hehe. Sadly I just found out there's really exist some bee called bumblebee. This bee named Bee Bee (a girl i guess). Story is like this - The obstacle and enemy are getting fierce nowaday, Bee Queen, Qu Qu, was getting tire to lay so many eggs everyday. So she come out an idea of opening a trainig center in hive and train some elite bee to handle 10 times normal bee job. Bee Bee is the second batch of the bee finish the training and start the journey. There will be some supporting character...mayb.

I think I got the idea enough for the 1st stage. Actually I using the bloging to write our my idea and now I going to compile it to my report. Tire day, but I slept a lot, seem today is boring day.

Today Feeling->Cooking()->WakingUp().HalfHour (Strange? nvm, someone may saw the meaning).

Friday, July 14, 2006


Multimedia University Games Developer Club Annual General Meeting

Reporting in! Seem this post is a bit expired, the event was over for 24 hours! "As a vice president and you delay one day to report the AGM?" ahhh, wait...c'mon, it's my blog. Okay, Okay, enough SS (syok sendiri : Malay Language, means having fun with myself). William did wrote a very good blog about the event, so, for more information please refer to his blog - Billy's blog at my MMU's Friend's Blog links and I don't need to blog for it anymore, thats all... I guess if I SS somemore, I'll lose all my page impression today onwards.

"GDC 3rd AGM is the best AGM that GDC ever have" said ex-president of GDC John Tan at 12 July 2006, 10:oopm. Well, GDC Hi-Comm, please give ourself a loud applause. Beside that, John is the most important people who made this AGM such a successful night, so, loud applause to John too. My personal opinion for this AGM... it's cool! GDC have 200++ members ( I always forgot the actual number...) this year and 50+ turned up for the AGM, I guess this number stil acceptable ?

The night start ealier than I expected, some new member came earlier than 8p.m., wow! The meeting start with John's talk about GDC's history, mainly is about what GDC last year did. Last year GDC did some event, and they are all successful. John did dig some bad incident too and told to the crowd, hope won't scare them away. lol. After John was Iris president talk, then is my talk, then is Syefri talk with the Gaming events, then back to me to talk about the Game Developing Events. I don't think I did a well talk anyway but I made a lot of promises that night, Oh My God...

The crowd obviously are getting bored after all the talks or may be my talk really bore :( . The last event of the meeting is a ice breaking game. I don't think we have a concete idea of how to make this ice breaking game is running, just John having some rough idea of dividing the crowd into Game Designer, Game Programmer, Game Artist and Gamer(Judges). After me little advice, we decided that the game will be each game designer go to the programmers and artist side to search for group members. Actually this works like the real life do, game designer finding team to work out the idea. Each group going to discuss and come out with a idea of game in 7 mins and try to sell the game to the judges (judges is GDC's gamers!) in 3 minutes.

The game was going on a lot better than I can imagine. Every groups were discussing seriously, each game designer really doing a very good job by leading and making the group members talk. I was impress by the situation and I think this is the best ice breaking game i can ever see (actually this only apply to club like us...). Every members in the group knew each other after that, and every audicance got a chance to do something finally. (Picture : Zaki's group selling their game).

This AGM really a good one. I'm happy with it, thanks for all the people who made this happen. Sure, attendees who attended it. Hope my bi-weekly gathering will go on well like this. Ermm, seem i ending this, i gonna rush to William house to play Risk! Alferd took Eddie and Solid all the way to Midvalley to buy it, how dare I turned down the invitation? :P

Today Feeling - 0 - Sleepy day... Sleepless day

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Polyphasic Sleep || Monophasic Sleep

I did quite a few of research on the topic of sleep since John told me about polyphasic sleeping last time while he was actually practising it. The first time I learn this I was exicted and cannot wait to know more about this fantastic thing. I online search, read people's blog, article and study related topic like sleeping stages, heathy sleep, discipline sleeping, etc.

Polyphasic Sleeping consist of different discipline. Uberman's Polyphasic Sleep is the most extreme form of polyphasic sleeping. It's about sleep 20-25 minutes every 4 hours interval for 24/7. Its mean you just sleep 2-3 hours per day and get 20-21 hours of free time for a day. Another more casual way of polyphasic sleep is have a 3 hour core sleep and 3-4 20 minutes nap in the rest of the day.

May be some of you already wonder, is that healthy or will kill someone? As far as I knew, there are many of human who actually sleeping like this for couple of years. They live healthy, normal and more free time. The concept behind is human actually need REM stage of sleep more than other stage. In this stage, human is consider in deep sleep, body resting, brain restarting (dreaming). Polyphasic sleeper use discipline sleeping sytle to traing their body to be able to enter REM stage of sleep in short time (20-25 mins). Theoritical, Polyphasic sleeper gain mroe REM sleep as monophasic sleeper.

Kuan's sleep?

I did try to sleep as a polyphasic sleeper after I did some research and asking of my friend's advice (All I got is negative feedback :P), it was like, the start of year 2006. Ermmm, obviously I didn't make it, hehe. Why?

1, This kind of sleeping need very, very, and very strong self-discipline. I always have problem in waking up from the bed and feeling sleepy easily. Its hard for me to wake up and keep myself awake sometimes. Beside, I actually facing problem to sleep at that moment.

2, Polyphasic sleeping is not suitable for my life. Study life, where i find place to sleep in campus if it is time to nap? Assignment crunch time have no slot to sleep :P. Holiday life, if I ever got some time back at Sabah, i rather spend my life with my dear friends and family. I not going to reject my friends' movie invite with the reason "Huh? 10p.m show? I cannot make it, I have to sleep 20 minutes at 11p.m) .....

3, Learning curve to actually master and get use of it. Its tiring. With my current attribute, forget it. hehe.

I gave up polyphasis in just 2 days or less. Then I start trainig another kind of discipline. It's been 20 years I sleep 8 hours for one day. I forgot since when, I actually start training sleeping 6 hours for one day. It's unofficial start and plan, so i failed some times at the early stage. Somehow, recently, I found out that I actually sleep 6 hours per day and I live my day normaly. I guess my body love it now.

Its been sometime since I slept 6 hours per day. Now Kuan's plan is shorten the sleeping time to 3-5 hours per day (With a Nap if 3 hours) to test if I can make it or not. Shorter time of sleep mean more time to active but at the same time need to make sure if these free times I condition myself at 80% - 100% focus. So, quality and quantity need to have a balance now. Hehe.

It seem not an interesting post today. I gonna report AGM for GDC later tonight after it. So, keep track!

Today Feeling :::::: Pizza is FULL!!!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Direct X Version Bouncing Ball !

3D Bouncing Ball 1.0

Oh yea! I did it! Hehe, after today of hard work (almost 5 hours spent) for this my "weekend's plan", I did this simple 3D Bouncing Ball with Direct X! I planed to make a bouncing ball in this weekend on Thursday because I found that it's been too long since I touch my Direct X. So I came out this plan to test my skill. Still remember while I just join Hatchlings, my first programmer task is to code a 2D Bouncing Ball. So I guess this is a good topic to test a game programmer skill?

This is not a hard thing to code while someone might laughing at me :"What? Until now you just did this stupid bouncing ball program? People coding World of Starcraft already!". By the way, just kidding :P I don't think anyone will care what a N00b did anyway. Hehe. For 1 month + few days of Direct X learning and I did this thing, for myself, it's good enough :) This just a starting anyway, will do more research and try to improve and make real thing. I start to love 3D programming. lol.

Working Report

Well, please allow me to share my humble making this Bouncing Ball expenrience (After all, just wanna mark my History page, wuahahaha). After some years of programming, I learn an important pre-work before I actually code which is "scracth and draw on paper with pencil". It's not UML, too formal for me alone to refer. I just simply clip some last year notes together and use the back side to draw and write everything I plan to do. Brainstorm whatever method came across my brain and just write it down, online google some useful formula and not familiar function. Then start to filter out and conclude the last method.

In this demo, I divide it to 2 stages. 1st stage is drawing a sphere manually in Direct x. Most of the code I reuse from my previous Dx pratice (CodeName : Dx 3.2) to save duplicated works. So I just need to do the Ball class with built mesh and render method. It took me some times to figure out the right way to draw a sphere in 3D graphic. I knew it's dumb to twisting my brain while this solution float every where in the internet, but thats me :) What's the point to copy people code for such a simple work anyway... So my solution is using Triangle Strip to draw the body of the ball and Fan to end it's top. I drew one hemisphere, the other half will copy the 1st one and rotate 180 degree to form a complete ball. (The picture show my ball)

Getting the rigth vertex and rigth index arrangement to draw a complete ball is tedius work, many trials and error run used to finally made one ball. 2nd stage is relative easy compare to 1st stage. 2nd stage just need to add one extra function, animate() in my ball class and make my balls instance is a large array so that many balls flying around. Animate() just simply moving function with translate my balls around the space and reflect when it hit the wall. No gravity, No ball to ball collision detection, and No friction in Demo 1. Hehe. (The picture is 500 balls flying around and knocking the wall).

I leant a lot of thing by doing this demo such as how to use strip and fan, how to translate and rotate the mesh. I will improve this once I get my free time again. Or may be I continue learning my Direct x lesson which I stuck somewhere in the Terrain engine.

RM1,000 Codematch!?

Codemath is a Programming Contest orgranize by MMU's programming lecturer which test mainly on programming algorithm. Solid and I went to the training today but half of the time is wathcing and listen because there is no electricity. 10 teams joined the match, each team with 3 members in it. Me, Solid and Josh formed a team named SJK. We are a good team in my opinion, both of their programming skill is good. But the thing is... our opponents are not here to play too :P Victor joined this contest too, so I guess the rest of us are going for the RM 500 or RM 300. RM 1K already reserved by Victor. LOL. Victor is a famous good programming student in MMU, heard of his skill around the campus several times. Well, we SJK are here to testing only, no big deal, but we still going to try our best!

Waoh...Today blog's all about programming? That's my objective of making this blog anyway :P Don't worry, gonna share more experince afterward. My body is bugging me to sleep now. hehe. Tommorow have a CyberJaya -> KLIA -> Sunway -> CyberJaya Drive.

Today Feeling ~|~ Filled with success, but there's a empty space, I guess it's a place for the bee to sleep.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

처는 Kuan입니다


Ok ok, Don't worry, I not going to write another Korean passage :P (Actually I not able to write that also). For some my humble translation, "처는 Kuan입니다 " bring a meaning of "I am Kuan", sound "Cheo Nen Kuan Ib Ni Da". "인녕하새요" is "hallo", sound "An Nyeong Ha Sei Yo". 인녕하새요 is use for greeting in Korea. good morning, good night, hallo or even good bye with friends and close people, they use 인녕 "An Nyeong" all the time. Strange? well, the globe is large enough to contain everything, hehe.

I entered the 3rd week of MMU. It seem the past 2 weeks are long, long enough for me to actually start missing holiday! So far, study is okay, as long I have a korean to learn, others subjects still can bear with. Ms. Yoon is so beutiful and kind of person, plus the fact that learning a new language is interesting, so today's all classes I skiped with the excemption letter by SRC except Korean class :P. Operating System is "cool" since we have a game names "Guess What the Heck is the Lecturer Talking" to play when we attending his lecture. His slang is the "best" I'd ever seen in my life. By the way, not Operating is "Opering system".

For GnL who actually see my blog! Tai Lou (Tiam Leong ah) just gave me a surpise call today! What a surpise call really which I thought I already abandon by him. Well, we talked a lot, keep updating him about Wai Keong's marriage, how are that he and how are that she. He said may be he also "good thing" near wahhh... get ready lo :P LoL, just kidding. The call interupt by the bad reception of the MPH anyway, and he not calling back after that :( For those don't know who I talking about and curious... GnL is my gang of good friends in TARC, while tai lou is the one keep take care of me, which include kidnap me to yum cah at the mid night, force me skip lecture to eat lunch, teach me how to prevent pregnant without "durex" (shsss...).... :P life mahhh.

GDC Recruitment Drive!

After one week of Central Plaza Booth recruitment and MMU's societies recruitment drive (Monday and Tuesday), 2006-2007 GDC end up with 210 members! Cheers! The reason I can think of for this big growth is the big drop of regitration fee :P Not a trick but just we aiming a bigger goal then just RM5.00 . Forgive me for I cannot reveal this secret now...(unless someone pay me RM 1m something lah....). But still, this is a very good kick start thing for us to start over GDC and make it better. Anyway... without Iris, Syefri, William, Alferd, Miki, Hui Bing, John, Key, Eddy, Leongi, Solid and Zie Aun this MPH's booth not going to success and fun. I actually enjoy staying at the booth because keep watching people come and ask then signing up and being with the booth's crews was fun! hehe. (The picture...Miki sneak snap me :|...or mayb Alferd?? )

Well, after this little event, I grew my confident for the new Hi-Comm. I can see the effort, heart and vision for the club between us, letz rocks this year! We got 210 member to duel with this year, hehe.


I think this event is worth to mention as the part of Gaming Scene in Malaysia which Syefri always work so hard to do somthing for that. There are 6 team Dota and 4 team CS in MMU's WCG competition. Some incident happen and made WCG's team just able to use 10 PCs for the competition. Then the competition force to continue into the night. At the same time, due to some other incident too, me, Syefri, Alferd and William somehow need to stay with them too. We wait until the winner declared, took picture, shut down the PCs, pack them, and leave the place with them. Somehow, we 4 got a surpise gift from WCG's staff, as Syefri describe it as "Confusing bag" as thanks gift for we 4, So Happy :P (The picture, WCG at MMU's LIbrary Foyer)

Today Feeling :: Tiring day, going to watch Germany and Italy??

Sunday, July 02, 2006


突然心血来潮想来一片华文的 blog。可能为了证明我还是一个华人吧。嘻嘻。放心吧,如果反应好,下次些多几篇华文的。由于是比较感性的题目,英文蛮难表达的,我的英文语法又差,有 时用回自己的语言提醒自己还是个龙的传人嘛。但是我是用拼音来打的,很慢,我的拼音又。。。蛮差的。


昨昨天,桓立sms我,他说他在遥远的澳洲遇到一个他意想不到的一个人,要我猜。就不知是直觉还是过人的分析力,我第一个就猜淑惠 (Asuk),讲到自己酱厉害,当然是猜中了啦。两个都是以前在沙巴KK 崇正读书的朋友,毕业了三四年都去了澳洲,都没见面了,听说还有电联和网联几下的,桓立在Melbourne读,淑惠在QueenLand,据说是两个不 一样而且有一段距离的地方。

那时,桓立带了他的朋友去一个位于Melbourne的旅游观点小城走走,“Edmund"一个轻轻的声音及一个理性无法确认的面孔呆住了桓立。就在那么 的一个地方,就在那么的一条街,就在那么的一间店外面,就在那么的一个日子,就在那么的一分一秒,两个四年里过着不同的生活,住在不同的地方,读着不同的 大学的旧朋友相遇了,没有谁是约了谁的巧遇,这是偶遇,缘分的见证。

我们每天会和很多不同的人相遇,擦肩的大部分多是陌生人,和认识的朋友不期而遇是不容易生的。我觉得两个人可以在没有预约的情形下遇见两次已经是一种缘 了,可以做到朋友的就更有缘了。可能有时上天不想两个人的缘分消失而安排了偶遇,提醒大家开始模糊的记忆。其实我们没忘记很多朋友,只是大家开始了没交叉 的故事少了联络,但是写过的故事依然存在,可能下一次的偶遇会再次把两个主角的对手戏增加吧。
