Thursday, July 20, 2006

Boiling of the New Blood!

GDC 1st bi-weekly gathering

How was it? It's awesome! I was kind of worry before the gathering, "how many people going to turn up tonight", "how many people actually enjoy?", "what should I do for this and that", mind just keep bugging me. When I enter the small room I booked, "OMG! so few?!", there just 3 to 4 new members and others are hi comm and friends of mine. Then others minds start attacking me, "It is i have to cancel the meeting?", "oh god, somemore member coming or not?", "It is really hard to have this kind of meeting?". So, we wait....wait wait wait... 8:15p.m. no way, I have to start this (Actually few member just keep entering the room *relief~~* ).

I came unprepared, I think thats obvious :P. I just simply start the meeting with introducing one by one. Asking those new member come in front and introduce themself and answering question from the audience. The session went well, at least I enjoyed it by knowing the reason of people coming to the gathering. The room is actually cheer and laughing while someone is joking around, "What is your favourite color?". (I think just the people inside the room will understand this...).

After the introducing session, we move to a larger room, Buzz helpep me taking care of the rest of the time (I really unprepared...too bad). Buzz ask the crowd to sit in a circle, then ask one by one, who is programmer, game designer, artist, musician and stuff. Mr. Hilmy did this to their bacth in the 1st game foundation class, thanks Buzz I have a chance to feel this. hehe. This session mainly is Q&A section, Buzz answered most of the question while John assist some. I think the new people learn a lot of thing from this, Buzz gave an overview of game dev but at the same time, they learn the true face of game development in Malaysia too :s. Hope this won't scare them away :P

The last section of the gathering is John's talk. Surpisingly he's not talk something about game development but it's about life in university. His talk brought a lot of surpise to the members, I think no one was expected that in this meeting. John's talk is about learn the hindsight in the life of studying in university. Hindsight is something which is hidden from people and won't tought in university. He talked about "extend the study time", "Challenge the known, embrace the unknown" "play to win". I think John's talk is very good to open new comer of MMU's mind of university. Following is one thing, but learn the fact of university and life experience is true good.

At the end of the gathering, I asked a few "testing" question to ensure that if i need to continue this gathering. I asked :"After knewing the true challenge of making a game, who still dare to take this challenge still?". To raise your hand to this question is tough, if I take this question and ask in my Game Application 1 class, I think the feedback will make people wanna cry. (just kidding, abit too much then :P). But the Gathering's member, nearly 70% of crowd raised their hand, yea! They actually raise up the hand. This is really good sign, Kuan do really hope their fire never stop burning! Keep spirit boiling!(what the heck is this :P )

Recruiting SubComm for the 1st time

(Actualy meeting is yesterday thingy, was too tire to post suring this early morning after the winning of the RISK game :P) Today is the first day me and William runs our job as VP and HR. We recruit some new members as Sub Commitee for 2 upcoming events which is Flash workshop and game design workshop. The feedback is very good since we found all the sub comm we needed in 2 days and all registered people turn up for the 1st meeting, very very awesome! This is a very good start, hope this two event runs smoothly and successfully to gain back GDC's reputation and Game Development standing in MMU. The new members are awesome, dedication and heart to make thing! I am sure they will make something great!

Kuan himself is burning now...

What is burning? Not body :(. Recently I was feeling not that well, condition not reaching 100% for days. Sleep in class, hardly wake up in the morning, eye blur at the night watching screen, tulang sakit, lost focus. I am not sick, at least not now. Something went wrong with me, I think. Whoever knew how to cure Jampi? :P Just kidding. I think what i need is SLEEP and REST gua, sleep less recently. Sorry for the complaining, I dare to say this since my mother not watching my blog, else, kena marah of not taking care of myself. So my friends especially who live on their own, keep yourself healthy and happy. Life just easy and simple. :)

Today feeling :::: I have much to say, but....don't hope to make a long post then scare people away. Continue tommorow.