Monday, July 17, 2006

Game Concept for GameApps1


It took me sometimes to actually start typing here. Lot of thing I try to share and they are too much to fit in here. Then I thought of one thing, it seem I need to make the report for my Game Application 1, a report about our game concept for the final assignment. Honestly I drag this job for a very long time, it is actually 5 weeks already since Ms gave us the job to think one idea for the game. I was lazy and keep cannot decide on what platform I should use, and too much idea actually across my mind and confusing me what actually I want it.

The most hard decision to make is whether I want the game to be 3D or 2D. I thought of 3D because I am learning DirectX and I want to try out my skill and confident. The fact is, my last decision is making my game to 2D. This game is expected to be a simple game, this game is judge by my lecturer who from FCM and 3D still not my field actually. From my own opinion, Game Application 1's final project marking sceme is [game design > art > sound > programming]. I dont think my credit on 3D programming earn some advantage for me. What if I do shit in 3D and spoil the game completely. So, focus in game design, find my art and music source, make a simple 2D game.

Bee Game

Bee? Yeah, the insect - Bee. Many ideas across my brain before - fighting drugs, cleaning dirt, typing game and so on. None of these I came out a clear and concete idea, I guess I don't like em. hehe. Then I drag this task until today. I spark one idea for the game after chatting with Min Bee (see the bee? :P). Then I decided to do this concept but the concept till fresh. I went wikipedia and read a lot of reading for bees. They are interesting insect and have a great effort for human food.

I found a very good gameplay or at least the game mechanic, it is going to base on bee's lifestyle and thing they normally do, getting the netra and pollen for food and in the same time help pollination of plants. At the time they gathering netra and pollen, they actually facing a lot of danger. Birds, crab spide, assasin bug and insecticide all are the thing which can kill a little bee while they doing they job. A queen average need to lay 1000-1500 eggs to replace the casualities.

So the basic idea is about a bee going out to take food, by the same times pollinate the plant, fighting or avoiding enemy, remain the supply of the hive and get the needed resources (netra main is food and pollen is protein for bee). How it going to look likes or play with still incubating in my mind, but the most possible solution will be 2D platform game.

Main character will be a bumblebee. Sound familiar? Maksim? DDR? hehe. Sadly I just found out there's really exist some bee called bumblebee. This bee named Bee Bee (a girl i guess). Story is like this - The obstacle and enemy are getting fierce nowaday, Bee Queen, Qu Qu, was getting tire to lay so many eggs everyday. So she come out an idea of opening a trainig center in hive and train some elite bee to handle 10 times normal bee job. Bee Bee is the second batch of the bee finish the training and start the journey. There will be some supporting character...mayb.

I think I got the idea enough for the 1st stage. Actually I using the bloging to write our my idea and now I going to compile it to my report. Tire day, but I slept a lot, seem today is boring day.

Today Feeling->Cooking()->WakingUp().HalfHour (Strange? nvm, someone may saw the meaning).